Dear Sir/Madam,
You are invited to submit a proposal for PLRCAP an initiative of the INGO Forum Nigeria, a hosted project of iMMAP with the requirements mentioned herein. The purpose of this request for proposal (RFP) is to identify suitable provider(s) for CSO Governance and Accountability to a selected group of local and national NGOs (L/NNGOs) working in humanitarian contexts in Nigeria in the context of an initiative to grow their organizational sustainability.
PLRCAP is a project borne of a desire to advance the localization agenda in Nigeria. We employ an integrated learning approach to help build the sustainability of local and national responders. Building on best practices from the humanitarian, development and private sectors, including social entrepreneurs, we equip NNGOs with specific technical knowledge, and create mentorship and partnership opportunities.
PLRCAP is an initiative of the INGO Forum of Nigeria, (NIF). NIF is an interagency network of international NGOs, established in 2014 to facilitate the coordination and cooperation of humanitarian aid and development between INGOs and among INGOs and external stakeholders including the Government of Nigeria, Nigerian civil society, UN agencies, diplomatic actors, and donors.
NIF is hosted by iMMAP, an international non-governmental organization (INGO) that provides targeted Information Management (IM) support to partners responding to complex humanitarian and development challenges.
All contractual matters will be handled as per IMMAP rules and procedures. The work being contracted for will be managed by the PLRCAP secretariat. All bids must be submitted by 18:00 Nigeria time, Friday the 27 August 2021. We will notify all bidders as regards the success or failure of their bids.
We thank you for your effort, and interest in PLRCAP in advance.
1.1 Background
Promoting Local Response, Capacity and Partnership (PLRCAP) Initiative builds the organizational sustainability of Nigerian local and national NGOs working in humanitarian contexts through tailored training and mentorship. See the attached project brochure for full PLRCAP information.
In conjunction with expert facilitators, PLRCAP seeks to develop and deliver content that will help address NNGO challenges and create a culture of strategic leadership, effective resource generation and organizational efficiency to build long-term sustainability.
Over the course of 2021 and 2022, PLRCAP will
· deliver an integrated training and mentorship program covering the key building blocks of NNGO management and organizational sustainability to a selected group of 15 L/NNGOs and 3 L/NNGO networks working in the Northeast and Northwest of the country their twinning partners and interested stakeholders.
· continue to work with current PLRCAP participating L/NNGOs providing one on one mentorship in the areas of strategic planning, resource mobilization and monitoring and reporting on institutional growth.
Training and mentoring sessions are delivered for the most part virtually. For the 2021-2022 participating L/NNGOs each of the 9 training courses are to be covered through two to three 90 to 120 minute sessions as agreed with the expert facilitators. Courses are to be delivered to the PLRCAP participating organizations and their partners, as well as within selected NGO civil society networks. Expert facilitators are also expected to deliver their courses as recordings to be used online for the general public. Final course materials are to be made publicly available on the PLRCAP resource site.
Following the courses, participants can elect to have follow up mentorship sessions with the course experts, enabling the direct application of learning to organizational challenges and objectives. Mentorship session hours are to be agreed between the mentor and the PLRCAP team.
Course topics, key content and estimated dates are as follows:
Key content
Month envisioned
Course 1: Introduction to the program and CEO Leadership Seminar (In-person)
Intro to sustainability and the program
Critical leadership and management skills
Self-assessment and organizational change
Course 2: Building a Dynamic Strategic Planning Culture
Mission, vision, values, objectives.
Analysis of external dynamics and internal dynamics trends
Determining strategic options and choosing the best direction
Effective action planning, follow up and learning
Course 3: Resource Mobilization
Effective resource mobilization strategies and tools, including developing revenue generating activities.
Course 4: Effective Governance
Governance and accountability
Composition, roll and responsibilities of governance.
Building high quality boards.
Course 5: Human Resource and Financial Management
Key components of finance and human resource management
Challenges most often faced by NGOs in these contexts and tips for how to overcome them.
Course 6: Communication and Branding
Effective internal and external stakeholder communication
Organizational branding and effective use of social media, with little resources and time.
Basic website creation and management
Course 7: Project Management and Accountability
Key elements of the project management life cycle from project development to implementation to monitoring, evaluation, assessment and learning, data collection, community engagement and accountability
Proposal and grant writing
Course 8: Effective Partnerships and Networks
Identification and mapping of stakeholder relations,
Building and managing programmatic coalitions, international/national cooperation, and effective linkages to communities.
Course 9: Closing Seminar: Going forward: Handling Change and Ensuring Growth (In-person)
Review of the learning journey sharing lessons learned, meeting in person with each other, partners and stakeholders and emphasizing key tips for leadership and organizational growth going forward.
For the 2019/2020 participating L/NNGOs additional mentorship support will be provided based on needs expressed during a self-assessment and action planning workshops, carried out be each organization. Mentorship is to launch the organizations on growth plans, and solidify learning accrued during PLRCAP 2019/2020.
The final objective of the program is that NNGOs and their networks have a deeper understanding of organizational sustainability and how to address their own challenges in this regard. In addition, that they have built their organizational strengthening skills and knowledge and have used these skills and knowledge to improve their organization.
It is expected at the end of the program that CSOs will have:
· An impactful mission and vision and the beginning of a strategic planning culture.
· Improved resource mobilization skills and strategic thinking.
· Enhanced, leadership, governance and accountability.
· Improved human resource and financial management.
· Increased project development and management systems and functions.
· Improved visibility.
· Enhanced access to resources, partners and networks to fuel further growth.
PLRCAP initiative is looking for experts, with experience in the not for profit sector or with an expertise in small or medium enterprises/ startups, to lead and develop a specialized governance and accountability training curriculum, which responds to the specific needs of L/NNGOs working in humanitarian contexts, as well as provide follow up one on one mentorship. Specific topics to be covered include, the role and functions of governance, how to create high quality boards, governance and management working together, building cultures of compliance and accountability, moving from principle to practice: accountability and humanitarian principles.
Mentorship is sought both for the participants of 2021/2022, as well as participants of the 2019/2020 program.
Specific tasks include:
- Develop with the PLRCAP team an effective approach to help build understanding and skills of participating organizations in the area of Governance and Accountability, to be delivered in 2 to 4 sessions, to three separate audiences – NNGOs, networks and as a virtual course.
- Prepare all course materials and lead virtual training sessions for the PLRCAP participants and their partners, as well as run a series of live virtual sessions which can be shared within the selected Nigerian CSO networks, for members
- With the support of the PLRCAP team produce final course materials and recordings which can be made publicly available on the PLRCAP website.
Following the sessions, carry out three to four mentorship sessions per organization on a one-on-one basis, up to a maximum of 8 organizations, unless otherwise agreed. Each mentorship session is to be a minimum of 30 minutes.
Submit at the end of the mentorship, a final report for each organization mentored, detailing progress made and concrete achievements.
Attend as requested the in-person opening and closing sessions with participants. The project will finance facilitator’s transportation and accommodation costs according to iMMAP policy.
1.2 Deliverables
- Preparation of course content and teaching methodology, as per the needs and challenges of the course participants.
- Agreed final course materials and recordings available for public distribution.
- Courses delivered virtually to the participants and the networks in interactive learning sessions.
- Provision of one on one and group mentorship sessions, in follow up to the course trainings, number of sessions based on demand and as agreed with the PLRCAP team and the expert.
- A final report per mentee organization sharing key outcomes of the mentoring process and lessons learned.
2.2 Expected Time Period for Contract
Contract is to commence in September and run till submission of final deliverables, as per the training and mentorship schedule of the program. Specific dates of courses and mentorship sessions to be agreed between the experts and the PLRCAP team, as per the course calendar outline above.
2.3 RFP Coordinator
Written questions must be directed, via email, to Jemima Adejo (
2.4 Proposer Inquiries
iMMAP will consider written proposer inquiries regarding RFP requirements or Scope of Services before the date specified in the Calendar of Events. iMMAP reserves the right to modify the RFP should a change be identified that is in the best interest of iMMAP.
To be considered, written inquiries and requests for clarification of the content of this RFP must be received via e-mail at *by 6 p.m. WAT on 9 August 2021* as specified in the Calendar of Events. Any and all questions directed to the RFP Coordinator will be deemed to require an official response. Official responses to each of the questions presented by the proposers will be sent via email to all proposers by the date specified in the calendar of events.
Only the RFP coordinator has the authority to officially respond to a proposer’s questions on behalf of iMMAP. Any communications from any other individuals are not binding to iMMAP.
2.4 Calendar of Events
Release RFP
August 2, 2021
Deadline for receiving proposer inquiries
August 9, 2021
Responses to proposer inquiries due
August 11, 2021
Proposal submission deadline
August 27, 2021, 18:00 Nigeria time
Announce award of "Successful Proposer"
September 2021
Execute contract
NOTE: iMMAP reserves the right to amend and/or change this calendar of events/schedule of RFP activities as it deems necessary.
3.0 RFP Addenda
iMMAP reserves the right to change the calendar of events or revise any part of the RFP by issuing an addendum to the RFP at any time.
3.1 Proposal Rejection
Issuance of this RFP in no way constitutes a commitment by iMMAP to award a contract. iMMAP reserves the right to accept or reject, in whole or part, all proposals submitted and/or cancel this announcement.
3.2 Withdrawal and Re-submission of Proposal
A proposer may withdraw a proposal that has been submitted at any time up to the date and time the proposal is due. To accomplish this, a written request signed by the authorized representative of the proposer must be submitted to the RFP Coordinator.**
3.3 Subcontracting Information **
Subcontracting is not authorized
3.4 Proprietary Information**
All information, including data, documents and the like gathered during this consultancy remains the property of the NGO and/or PLRCAP. The consultancy is held to standard duties of confidentiality and duties of care.
3.5 Cost of Preparing Proposals
iMMAP is not liable for any costs incurred by prospective proposers prior to issuance of or entering into a contract. Costs associated with developing the proposal and any other expenses incurred by the proposer in responding to this RFP are entirely the responsibility of the proposer and shall not be reimbursed in any manner by iMMAP.
3.6 Errors and Omissions in Proposal
iMMAP will not be liable for any errors in proposals and reserves the right to make corrections or amendments due to minor errors identified in proposals. iMMAP, at its option, has the right to request clarification or additional information from the proposer.
4.1 Proposal Submission
Proposal submission must be received at the following address:
The proposals shall be received on or before 27 August 2021 at 18:00 Nigeria time as specified in the aforementioned Calendar of Events.
It is solely the responsibility of each proposer to assure that their proposal is received prior to the deadline for submission. Proposals received after the submission deadline will not be considered.
4.2 Certification Statement
The proposer must sign and submit the Certification Statement shown in ANNEX II.
4.3 Proposal Format
The proposer should submit a proposal as specified in ANNEX I which shall include enough information to satisfy evaluators that the proposer has the appropriate experience and qualifications to perform the scope of services as described herein*. No financial information should be provided in the technical proposal.*
The Proposer should submit the financial proposal separately and as per the suggested model in section D of ANNEX I. Price should be presented both as an hourly rate (in US dollars) as well as a lump sum for each task (including envisioned number of hours).
Proposer should respond to all requested areas. Critically the Proposer should set out his/her experience in working with CSOs /SMEs in Nigeria or in similar contexts, their understanding of the objectives PLRCAP is seeking to achieve and lay out their plan to ensure that these objectives are met. The Proposer should further highlight their lessons learned in working with CSOs or SMEs, including commonly faced challenges and the solutions the Proposer was able to bring, including any long-term impact achieved. The Proposer should further highlight all relevant teaching/training, mentorship experience.
5.1 Evaluation Team
The evaluation of proposals will be accomplished by an evaluation team, to be designated by iMMAP, which will determine the proposal most advantageous to iMMAP.
5.2 Administrative and Mandatory Screening
All proposals will be reviewed to determine compliance with administrative and mandatory requirements as specified in the RFP. Proposals found not to be in compliance will be rejected from further consideration. Risk mitigation procedures should also be provided. iMMAP takes meeting duty-of-care obligations and compliance with the principles of ‘do no harm’ very seriously.
5.3 Evaluation and Review
The purpose of the RFP process is to secure the contractor most capable of providing the services specified in this document. Selection of the contractor will be made solely on the basis of the most responsive proposal submitted by a qualified proposer that satisfies all services and products described in this RFP. iMMAP reserves the right to award a contract based upon initial offers received. Proposals submitted should follow the format in ANNEX II.
The criteria for the evaluation process will be weighted as follows:
70 % technical 30 % financial
100% total
Minimum technical score: 70% of 70 points = 49 points
a) Overall Response (10 points)
· Adherence to Terms of Reference and tender requirements, including completeness and quality of the proposal.
b) Personal qualifications and experience (25 points)
· Years of relevant experience working with CSOs or similar type of organizations.
· Subject matter expertise.
· Training/mentorship experience.
c) Proposed methodology and approach (35 points)
· Understanding of PLRCAP objectives and purpose
· Understanding Nigerian CSO needs and challenges and opportunities for growth and development
· Proposed teaching and mentoring methodology.
· Compliance with TOR requirements and timing.
5.4 Announcement of Contractor
The RFP Coordinator will notify the successful proposer and proceed to negotiate terms for final contract. Unsuccessful proposers will be notified by email accordingly.
How to apply:
All bids must be submitted by 18:00 Nigeria time, Friday the 27 August 2021.
Please apply through: